Intellectual capital is considered an asset and can be broadly defined as the collection of all informational resources a company has at its disposal that can be used to drive profits, gain new customers, create new products, or otherwise improve the business.

It includes the sum of employee expertise, organizational processes, and other intangibles that contribute to a company's bottom line.

In today’s knowledge economy,  90+% of a company’s market value is in their intellectual capital --- Human, Structural, Customer and Strategic Alliance Capital.  And much of the intellectual capital is in the form of tacit knowledge --- knowledge that walks out the door every night or process and procedures that are not written down.

Areopa's 10 step methodology creates a pathway of identifying and managing these intangible assets.  It explores the ways of creating more value and reduced risk of losing value, valuable information by making that information more Explicit.


“People are not against change, but against being changed”

We focus on implementation, and work with the people to  think about their own inter-departmental processes and the ways to improve them.

  • Areopa uses all possible elements to reach results, and does not apply only a given theory.
  • Areopa uses 15% explicit knowledge plus 85% tacit knowledge, while the competition uses only      1-3% IP and 12% explicit knowledge.
  • Business is money, therefore all our objectives are always valued in money terms including Cost Of Poor Performance.
  • Areopa performs real quantitative measurements saving at least 35% of an organization's operational costs.
  • Areopa’s objective is not to teach Change Management (CM) to the management, but rather to implement CM and then report to the management the increased customer satisfaction and reduced process costs.
  • All detailed analyses are based on level 3 processes  deeper than the competition.
  • Areopa always looks, based on its AIS Reference Model, at all inter-departmental processes, with an integration of all drivers of change (all supporting systems, HR, IT, management reporting, knowledge, quality, etc.).


Knowledge Management is the process of identifying, organizing, storing and reusing information within an organization.

Companies with a knowledge management strategy achieve business outcomes more quickly as increased organizational learning and collaboration among team members facilitates faster decision-making across the business.

Overwhelmingly, the majority of organizations are hierarchal with  15% of their knowledge is explicit knowledge and 85% is non-captured tacit knowledge.  However, Process driven organizations provide 85% tacit knowledge and 15% explicit knowledge.

Areopa streamlines organizational processes, such as training and on-boarding leading to higher employee satisfaction and retention. Our practical approach of successive steps results in identifying, capturing and making re-usable, tacit knowledge.


Areopa has developed a new model to help support SMEs including start-ups to grow faster.

Usually, SMEs need capital to grow. Equity investments are not attractive for many SMEs as it dilutes their ownership share. The alternative is taking a loan, but banks are usually not very eager in giving these loans because of the relatively high risk of the SAP failing to pay back the loan plus interest.

Areopa supports Strategic Alliance Partners (SAPs) in getting the loans from banks by doing a due diligence (DD)analysis and making a high-level estimation (HLE) whereby the value of the SAP can increase for the loan based on their intellectual capital. Areopa has developed an extensive tool set to do this.

Areopa will set-up the Intellectual Capital Loan Guarantee Fund that guarantees the loans to the banks in case of failure of an SAP.  In addition, Areopa will support the SAPs in their growth efforts by providing a Knowledge Manager (KMI) to the SAP, so that the risk of failure is significantly reduced.


Our economies are moving from the industrial era to a knowledge driven era.

Areopa’s vision focuses on structuring innovation on a regional and country level. 

Knowledge companies can be created, startups can be guided in setting up organization structures, creating money streams based on the created intellectual capital assets, financed, controlled and managed.

An Intellectual Capital Centers are the awareness service of The Areopa Group.  The Areopa Group assists governments, grant and policies makers, and businesses to gain a competitive advantage by sharing the understanding of how to manage their intellectual capital resources.  This is accomplished through a series of workshops, seminars, conferences, webinars and business sector meetings.

IC Centers help SAPs and NGOs and others to manage and understand their IC including IPR to increase the value of their companies by both placing it on the balance sheet or on the P&L and giving them the tools to value it internally.

It will also enable the companies to manage their complexity and gain a better understanding how combinations of IC and other assets can both enable new product and service delivery or existing product and service improvement.



In any Company, processes must be continuously improved and renewed, in order to keep the competitiveness. Even when things seem to go right, the Company should embrace a continuous improvement and change methodology.

In fact, this is the base of (digital) transformation. It is not uploading to the cloud what we are currently doing, but to rethink the way we are doing it… and then use the technology (whatever it is needed) to improve the speed, scope, reach or quality of service.

Through process mapping, risk identification and cyber risk assessment methodologies, The Areopa Group provides a process based approach to risk analysis.